What You Need to Know About The Economy in Argentina

This is not about the currency itself but rather about the politics of the Argentinian President Cristina Kirchner and her administration. The first thing you need to know about the Argentina, is that they like to talk about politics as it relates to the economy, but when it comes to domestic issues, they are a little bit more cautious.Click here for more details about bitcoin argentina

During the last few months, the president Kirchner and her government has been trying to do everything they can to push through their own agenda, which included the controversial law called "La Tovere de Sustancia" which would put a lot of controls on foreign ownership of land, mining, hydrocarbons, and the country's currency. These are all important issues that will affect the way the economy works, but they have been under scrutiny for quite some time now. The government has a long way to go to prove that this move was really needed considering the economy is doing so well right now. With their recent declaration that it was necessary to impose a limit to foreign ownership of land, it became clear that they were not ready to give up the control of their own country.

The first question to ask about the president Kirchner and her handling of this issue is how effective has she been at keeping people informed about what is going on. It seems that the only place you can find a real answer to this question is online. When you do a search on the internet for news on Argentina, you will find articles from respected sources such as CNN, Fox Business News, The New York Times and other popular news outlets. It seems that President Kirchner's government is making it hard for the average citizen to get informed.

The next question that you need to ask yourself is what the economic situation looks like right now in Argentina. Well, if you look at the last quarter, then you will see that gross domestic product has gone down by almost 8% for the whole country. The reason for this is because the country's economy was hit pretty hard due to the devaluation of the Peso (Argentina's currency) which is why many foreign investors did not venture into the country in the first place. Even if they did, it is hard to see how they could make money, since the inflation rate is over 40%.

It is also a good idea to watch the economy as a whole instead of just focusing on one part of the economy. It may be tempting to focus on the GDP figures, but it is much easier to find trends and patterns in the overall economy. Look for a decline in consumer spending, a rise in the country's unemployment rate, a rise in the number of businesses filing bankruptcy, a rise in the number of people who are self-employed and the like-for-sale ratio, as well as the total number of cars on the road. So while it may be true that there are political disagreements in Argentina between the president and the Argentinian people, you can still expect a change in both the direction and the economy of this country under the leadership of President Kirchner. The only problem you may find with her handling of the economic situation is the fact that she may continue to put her personal interests above the economic needs of her country.


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